Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hey internets.
I will be tattooing in Seattle from May 23rd through to May 30th! I'm pretty stoked to be working alongside the amazing Vyvyn and her merry crew :) If you want me to fill you with needles and ink, please feel free to drop me a line AT nomi(dot)

I am looking forward to filling this here blog with pretty pictures and internet ephemera, but my camera done broke'd and I don't own a scanner.

So it'll have to wait.
But take my word for it - some crazy things are happening. Summer is just around the corner and I'm already piss drunk on vitamin D. Mad art vibes everywhere. BRACE YOURSELVES.


  1. You + me + my town, divided by: You tattooing a few blocks away from my art studio (carry the one) = Ego + Nomi Hang time... There is no escape!

    Nice blog... Nerd!

  2. Fkkkyaah! And I will be picking up one of those fancy pants necklaces of yers. YAY! Excite.
